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BeVenturesome – welcome aboard!

7 February 2023 – Adam Breen
Categories: Community, News, Tools and resources

Be venturesome morzine freelance

A big, warm welcome to the latest member of our community – BeVenturesome, running school trips to Morzine in the Haute Savoie with a focus on togetherness, adventure and the great outdoors – summer and winter.

We enjoyed a catch-up with Graham Milton, founder and Adventurer-in-Chief at BeVenturesome about his goals for this fast-moving company and how might just be the perfect partner.

Graham has a long background in school trips and tours and decided to put his own spin on things back in 2018 – picking Morzine as his destination of choice due to its accessibility, range of accommodation and activities, as well as the plethora of summer and winter activities that are on offer. Covid slowed things down a little in 2020/21 but Graham was not dissuaded. BeVenturesome’s unique approach and founder-led style is having a big impact and the coming year is looking busy.

A little too busy. Growth is a nice problem to have to manage but it still takes some figuring out. We talked with Graham about how can allow him to get work off his desk, without it leaving his line of sight and how individuals with niche skills on a single platform can be more effective than trying to keep one person busy with a huge range of tasks. We won’t share his secrets here but you can imagine how an expanding business in this field might need a little ‘coup de pouce’ as they say here in France. Local administration, contracting, communications, organising, translating, liaison, procurement, transport and web are just a few of the topics that Graham either needs to cover himself, hire cover or outsource.

We are here to help Graham 😉

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