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Slowing down or speeding up for summer?

27 July 2023 – Adam Breen
Categories: Community, News

Summer slowdown

Here in France, a huge proportion of the population choose the first few weeks of August to down tools, relax and soak up some sunshine. Another big chunk of people roll their sleeves up and get ready for one of the busiest periods of their year as the tourists roll into town in their droves.

At we fall into both camps. Some of our freelancers are definitley in OFF mode, whist others need to be there to support our clients through their busy period. Yet more are getting ready for the post-summer rush of activity as administration gets caught up on or winter projects are concieved and launched.

A slowdown for some is a speedup for others so we need to be sure that our platform is supportive to those that are taking a break, and equally supportive to those that need it now more than ever. Freelancers and clients alike can expect uninterrupted, timely service as always, (even if they happen to be on the beach ;)).

Whatever you are doing, have a great summer!

Image by pch.vector on Freepik

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