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The Alpine world is changing. Is your business keeping up?

16 May 2023 – Adam Breen
Categories: Community, Offers, Tools and resources

Recently we took part in MTN’s State of the UK snowsports market presentation, a summary of Consumer Research into the habits, trends and desires of British skiers and snowboarders (read the full blog post here).

The information that we saw in the presentation covered themes from sustainability to destination choices, travel, entertainment, price sensitivity, market share, communications and much more. Compiled and presented annually, the report consistently shows an industry in a state of flux, with internal and external factors ebbing and flowing in response to market and macroeconomic trends.

So, in such a changing landscape, we want to know if your business is keeping up. Have you reviewed your model to be sure that you are best placed for the future? What opportunities, or threats, might you be missing, and are you still in the business that you thought you were in, or has so much changed that you now need a new approach to maximise efficiency and to realise your goals.

We’d love to chat about it with you. Our 1:1 Business Healthcheck is an opportunity to sit down with an winter sports industry specialist and to chew over the evolution of the environment that we all call home.

If you are a business based in, or with interests in the Pays de Savoie (73 & 74) in France, we’d love to talk. Book in here.

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