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Why sign my business up to

9 September 2022 – Adam Breen
Categories: Community, Tools and resources

We’re glad you asked. wordart

The idea is that by signing up and creating a client profile (for free), you have access to a pool of locally based freelancer talent that understands our unique environment and offers a range of appropriate skills. These include solutions for everyday administrative tasks that eat into your time, through to ongoing work like social media management or more complex jobs such as management accounting, IT, legal… All available in French and English. allows you to get rid of the tasks that you and your team don’t have the time/patience/skills/will to do and to focus on what you do best. Project durations range from one-off small pieces of work (e.g. a simple translation) through to ongoing work like IT support or financial administration. 

Voilà. You get the picture. Currently we are working on growing our community and would greatly appreciate it if you could sign up to the platform. It’s free and allows you to search freelancers as well as to ‘dump’ your needs into the platform via the ‘post a brief’ feature. This gets us to do the work and propose freelance solutions for whatever you need. 

Most of all, joining the community puts you at the heart of the business community here in the 2 Savoies – providing a network of resources and opportunities that is greater than the sum of its parts. Together, we are stronger.

Sign up here

Finally, in order to help us to grow the community and stay in touch, it would be amazing if you could follow us on linkedin or facebook. These networks are just one of the ways in which our community interacts and grows. Every participant benefits every participant.

Comments, feedback? We’d love to hear it. Contact us.

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